Earth Day is approaching, April 22. We are asking for your stories about what you love about nature and this earth we all share.

Writing Prompts

Every story on History Chip adds essential details to history.
We welcome the power of your stories to transform our understanding of the world.


Press the GENERATE button for new daily writing prompts.

Need more Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Writings?
9/11/2001: Where were you on 9/11/2001? What impact did the attacks on the World Trade Center have on your life?
1950s: Please recount some of your memories from the 1950s. If you lived in Europe or Japan in the 1950s, when people were putting their lives back together, please share those important memories. Please also share your stories from other parts of the world. Were you starting careers and families, buying a home on the GI Bill? Were you leaving Europe for Israel? Were you locked inside the Soviet Union? Locked inside East Berlin? There is much to write about. Please don’t feel confined to these questions, they are only suggestions
1990s: What are your memories of the 1990s? If you had to sum up the 1990s in a sentence, what would you say? Was there a pivotal event in your life during the 1990s? What music did you listen to in the 1990s? What movies or other entertainment influenced you in the 1990s?
Refugees: Are you a refugee or is someone in your family a refugee? Please describe your journey. Where did your journey begin and end? Was difficulties did you encounter? What difficult to face in deciding to leave your homeland?
Christmas: Do you celebrate Christmas? Describe your Christmas traditions. How have these changed for you over the years? What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
Politics: How actively are you involved in politics? Do you follow politics on the news. Do you volunteer for political activities? Are you involved in politics professionally? Have you run for office? How has your involvement in politics changed over the years?
writing tips quick easy

Quick and Easy Story Writing Guide

especially for those of us who think we can’t write a story!

So, you want to add a story to History Chip!
That’s great!

The point is to tell your story as you remember it.

Easy peasy, no stress, no worries.

Like singing in the shower.

writing tips quick easy

Now, just take a minute or two to remember the details of the story you want to write.

Consider the basics which should refresh your memory enough to just sit down and write what you remember.

Who are the people in your story?
Just you, friends, family, strangers?
When did it happen?
What time of day?
Where did it happen? New York, London, Mogadishu?

What are the details?
What happened? A trip somewhere? A hurricane? What are the important details? 
Why is this important to you?
Why do you want to share this story?
How did it look?How did it feel? Cold, hot, crowded, dangerous, safe, cozy?


Add a Story
Sample Story to Help You Write

WHO: I was 28.

WHERE:  I worked in the City and lived in an apartment building on a high floor.

WHEN:  It was the middle of March in 2020.

WHAT:  Suddenly COVID was everywhere and the City was mostly shut down. I couldn’t go to work, I didn’t want to get in the elevator in my apartment building because we were warned to keep 6 feet away from other people. So, I decided to move to the country to my mother’s house. I had to find new ways to do so many things. We ordered groceries online. I had to find new ways to make a living. Because we were in the country we could take long walks outside which made life much more tolerable during ‘lock down’. My sister had stayed in the city with her elderly grand mother who was in danger from COVID because of her age. They did not leave their apartment for nearly 3 months.

WHY:  Life was turned upside down. Restaurants were closed, kids couldn’t go to school, masks were required everywhere and we were afraid of being close to anyone.

HOW:  The streets were quiet, the shops and restaurants were closed. People put hearts outside of their houses and in some places people would ring bells or bang on pots at the same time every day to say thank you to healthcare workers and those people who worked in ‘front line’ places like grocery stores and pharmacies. When some businesses began to open, plastic barriers were placed to protect customers from workers, marks were on the floor to direct traffic to keep people from being close to each other, masks were required and air purifiers were everywhere. In the early Spring of 2021, vaccines began to be available and things began to open up a little bit. It was hard to believe that we were experiencing this strange new way of life and could never have imagined that it could last as long as it did. Nearly 3 years later, COVID is still a worry.