Israel – On A Tour

A story by Connie Westreich



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The land of milk and honey opens up its heart, To view its many wonders is only the start; As we go from Jerusalem to Masada, we begin to feel the fight and spirit of this great strip of land – We worship at the Western Wall and view the Chagall windows, so grand; Yad Vashem brings a few tears – planting trees at the Peace Forest renews our zeal, A pouring out of hope for this great Jewish Land is what we feel. We move on to Tel Aviv, pass the busy Carmel market and view the ancient streets – We view the Diaspora Museum and see Jewish history and wonderful Jewish feats. Yad Mordechai shows us the War of Liberation site – We pause to remember the blood that was shed in this terrible fight! On to Eilat!! The pioneering spirit keeps us on the move, The view is magnificent, We will make it, we can do it, we will prove! Eilat is all we were told – The wonders of King Solomon’s Palace begin to unfold; Swimming, sunning, looking at unusual multi-colored fish – It is like the granting of one wish! Then we start to Haifa – Back on the bus, ready to go; View the magnificent crater at Mitzpe Ramon – oh! oh oh! On to She Boker – to see Ben Gurion’s hut and sign the guest book – We were all sure to take one really good look! The Dan Carmel in Haifa is a super place to stay – In the morning, bright and early we’re on our way; To the Bahai Shrine with a beautiful golden dome and the striking Persian Gardens, so pretty – Next the museum of illegal immigration – an important part of the city. On to Akko – an exciting port – A visit to the prison – to hear of awful deeds that were wrought. The underground Crusade City is a very awesome sight – We went weaving thru the dark tunnel, looking for the light! Shabbas morn we leave for Druze Village – Quite a sight to see – Leaves us with such a good feeling – And with a great shopping spree! Megido is a very special place – It brings you back so many years in time – If you survive the long tunnel and the steps, You walk out feeling like you’ve walked in space…. The gala Dinner Dance was enjoyed by all, The Tour really gave us an Israeli Ball. We say goodbye to Haifa in the morn, A truly beautiful city – then on to Technion; Showing us how advanced the Israelis are in engineering, architecture and other scientific endeavors – A small nation forging ahead of those that are larger, who think they are better; We passed thru Karmiel – And marveled at the statues of Nicky Ember. Such feeling, such portrayal of emotion – Something we will always remember! On to the very top of the hill to hear – Issak Tavoir – talented musician; What a wonderful treat; The piano came alive with Bach, Brahms, and Beethoven – And intermission with a wonderful home-made honey cake, so sweet! Our emotions were soaring so high – And down we came from the sky. Riding slowly on the way down – And on we went to the famous town – (Safed)! We sat in the synagogue and walked the picturesque cobblestoned streets – Then on our way to the Kibbutz – Kfar Giladi. A wonderful experience in a Kibbutz so grand – We never expected such nice Kibbutz quarters in the land – Tomorrow we start our way back – the parting of the way – I will miss this wonderful land, and my exciting stay; I will always cherish this trip to Israel – It was my first and I hope it will not be my last! I feel part of a state and part of my people – I have renewed my ties with Judaism and the past! Shalom!

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 Haifa,Jerusalem,Judaism,Kibbutz,Masada,Tel Aviv,Yad Vashem


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