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Newcomers Welcome

A story by Jennifer L. Hunt



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Just as the Olympic Games inspire international friendships, so do artistic collaborations. My story unfolds as a newcomer to Connecticut from Washington State, I was encouraged to join the Friends of the Bethlehem Library in 1987. Pleased to be included, and I couldn’t refuse when asked to take over the position of President. After a meeting or two, the agenda seemed to repeat a fairly large balance in the treasurer’s report. I had just finished a successful project and wondered if something similar would interest the group. The resounding response set the project in motion. 

At an arts camp for kids, we found artists of all kinds willing to do workshops with a nature/art theme to enhance a musical production called, Bo and the Sad King. Permission to adapt the story, written by the Chilean author, Vittorio Di Girolamo was granted, and a musical version of the story which was a successful collaboration among Washington artists including Larry Hunt. A magnetic young boy teaches the king how to connect with nature, even somersaulting in the grass. The simple message slowly transformed him into a gleeful happy king.

An eager group of 30+ kids ages 6-9 was delighted to make their masks/costumes and learn acting techniques from a local celebrity. Various guests included an ornithologist who mentored an injured Andean condor and a scientist who made aquarium gardens with local flora. 

The successful camp even weathered a tornado watch. One thing was a bit more ominous. The Bethlehem Library Board heard about the camp and some members thought that the camp director was taking advantage of her position as the Friends’ president. Conflict of interest, while paying herself a whopping $500. would not be tolerated. They were so adamant they appealed to the state library board.

When we got wind of this my mentor and role model suggested I step down quietly and let her temporarily assume the position of president. And there would be no conflict. Others stepped in and shielded me from the controversy urging me to focus on the kids. 

The final performance was a heartwarming delight with a local high school boy playing an excellent Bo as a juggler and a talented father as the King. The kids learned the rewarding experience of theater arts and their community. I am reminded of how international collaborations are invigorating.

Some family names you may recognize Cowles, Hunt, Little, March, Moore, Patnaude, Stephen, Rabinowitz, Snowden, Valla among others.

August 1987

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