
I was born in Vernon Connecticut November 22nd, 2005. My parents came from Chicago and Massachusetts and met in Hartford County. We resided in Manchester and I have lived there ever since. I am now an 18-year-old student at Manchester High School and looking back at my time in the town I am sad to say I will be leaving for college in a couple of months. This will be my first time living somewhere else. I am so used to the layout of town driving around my favorite places and I'm going to miss all my friends.
Growing up in Manchester some of my best memories are from my childhood. I remember the last day of school waiting outside with my friends for my parents to open the envelope that gave us which teacher we had. In contrast, on the first day of school, I waited outside of Bowers looking for my teacher outside by the flag pole seeing all my friends and past teachers. These memories are very close to me and feel as if it was another life ago.
Living in Manchester allows you to experience every season, I take pride in being from the Northeast because I am able to experience all the different weather and it makes me value the different seasons more.
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