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The following discussion is from a Facebook page, "Yorktown High School Friends", and the photograph was originally posted on the Twitter account, "Yorktown Athletics" on Twitter.

YHS Rifle Team is Eastern Conference Champions. Taken from "YHS Athletics" Twitter Account.

Yorktown Athletics on Twitter
Rifle is Eastern Conference Champions. Congrats

Douglas M Ammons
 to Rifle Team

Gregory R. Milas  
I surprised to see the rifle team still exists. Congrats
to them.

Joseph Young
  Still shooting under the cafeteria?

Marc Nachman to Joseph Young   i don't think so... years ago I met some members at a gun range in Chantilly....

Marc Nachman  
I got as far as the rifle club...never made the team...yhs71

Reid Campbell
  That's great news!

Milt Sherman
  Here in eastern North Carolina kids used to come to school with a deer rifle in the rack in the back window of their pick-ups; not anymore!

Whelden Merritt
 to Milt Sherman   I used to walk to Yorktown with my rifle for Rifle Club. The regulation was, that it had to be in a rifle bag. My rifle bag was fake suede leather.

Barton Bennett  
I had rifle in my locker or car, back in the day, in a soft case.

Ray Ward  
I also walked to school carrying my .22 in a case for rifle club. During the day we just put it behind the door in Mr. Seldomridge’s office. No problems YHS69

Whelden Merritt to 
Ray Ward   Today, we would all land in prison! One of the guys in rifle club would ride around up on the back of an open convertible waving his rifle in the air - with no case. He never got caught.

Reply to Milt Sherman…

Karen Holman-Janoschka  
I’m glad to hear that they still have a rifle team        

Barton Bennett  
I was in rifle club. I did not realize they still had a team.

James O. Russell
Glad that they still have the rifle club.
I was a member...

Jeff Raskin
  The rifle range was under the cafeteria if I remember correctly.           

Chip Longino

Wes Traher  
I never expected this much interest in this. In my years at YHS 68-71 it was well known about the rifle range under the cafeteria. In the afternoon you could hear the gun fire if you were near the gym. Nobody thought twice about it. It was no big deal to see someone carrying a rifle bag with most likely a rifle inside. It was like someone on the tennis team carrying a tennis racket or a baseball player carrying a glove. How times have changed. The irony is we all felt safe then vs how people feel now. The world is truly a different place.

M. Bruce Callander
 to Wes Traher - Amen! I still have the single-shot, bolt action 22 rifle I shot in that range (with the dirt floor, as I recall)

Jean P McGavin
  Are you kidding? OMG! Wow! I had no idea any of this was going on! So, well known among certain circles I guess!

Jean P McGavin  
I don't remember students carrying rifles into the building or having them in their cars!

Bill Huddleston
  And a generation earlier, a W-L classmate of my mom’s who lived near Chain Bridge, would talk of shooting squirrels before school, riding his bike to W-L, and then putting the squirrels and rifle in his locker until after school.

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