High School Hammock Tale

A story by Charlie Clark



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High School Hammock Memory

In 1970, I was knee-deep in getting the Yorktown High School Sentry to cover cultural changes that were originating (horrors) off campus. I drove from Arlington, Virginia, south to rural Louisa County near Charlottesville. In the woods I found the Twin Oaks commune. I conducted cocky interviews with hippies and feminists and free spirits who shared clothing, child care, chores and crash pads. These idealists earned income by raising crops and manufacturing hammocks. My feature story, with photo, then was published and passed for campus news. Flash forward to 2019. As an Arlington husband and homeowner, I needed a new hammock. Went online. Guess who sold it to me. For me, a fun time warp. For the third generation Twin Oaks communards, just another day on the sales force.

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  Arlington and Louisa counties in Virginia


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