Thoughts On Aging

A story by Eleanor King



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I never expected to live this long - almost 94 - and thought my mother was ancient when she died at 80. Her generation saw huge changes in transportation going from horse and buggy to automobile and airplanes, whereas my life has been mostly altered by changes in communication with computers, TV, the internet and cell phones. I believe it was Anne Morrow Lindberg who said, I think best with a pencil in my hand. I agree. But today’s generation would probably not - they don’t write, except on a computer - they push buttons and levers with astonishing speed, and talk to each other anywhere at any time. I’m not sure it’s all for the good, or even that it’s better and I’m glad I lived when I did. Of course, the War made for defining changes in our lives. My brothers were in the service, as were most of my friends. I left college to become a nurse’s aide, and we all got used to rationing - gas, shoes, paper and butter. In the hospital where I worked, there was a shortage of nurses and I was happy to be of service. I learned a lot and felt I had finally grown up. Now, after 66 years of marriage to a fine man and raising 4 children and then losing him and 2 of them, I am asked about aging - its difficulties and its joys. If I have learned anything it is the wisdom of Ecclesiastes to be found in the Bible - To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens, a time to weep and a time to laugh. I am, basically, an optimist and tend to see the bright side, and hope that I can maintain that attitude throughout what is left of my life. It’s important to be grateful and I try to give thanks each day for all that is good and to let the rest go. It makes for a happier me as well as for those around me.

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  Southbury, CT


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