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An early summer night in Connecticut, 2012

A story by Jean McGavin



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Adams Hometown Supermarket, Watertown, CT Add a story; read a story; either way, you gather chips in the game of life. Last night my daughter and I were startled by a couple of kids darting through the dark of the parking lot as we made a quick trip to the supermarket. Other things, cars out of line, quiet store, just seemed awry. Suddenly, we realized we had driven into a parking lot water balloon fight – 20 or so soaking wet, barefoot gladiators lobbing globes of water, and blasting water guns, in a glee fest of summer anticipation. The store was closed. The staff, baggers to boss, and perhaps some interlopers, were in the lot, soaked and joyous and playing. The temperature was hovering around 50 here in Connecticut of an early June evening. I suspect the revelers would not feel the temperature until they began to head for home and I suspect they will remember that chilly, internet and technology free evening for years to come as blissful. They will, no doubt, fondly recount the story to their grandchildren as an example of simple country life. I am telling all of you just in case some of our revelers keep the lovely memory too close to the vest. Each story – each chip in the game (or water balloon if you prefer) makes the stakes richer. Play the History Chip game! C’mon, add a story. We double-dog dare you!

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 Adams,play,summertime,supermarket staff,water balloons,water guns
  Watertown, CT
June, 2012


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