5 Tips to Develop Writing Habits

Mar 22 2023

5 Tips to Develop Writing Habits

So, you’re here on History Chip! Welcome! Maybe you have read some of the stories and you might be tempted to write a story or several but you aren’t sure how to take the plunge. You know you have seen some wild things in this life, or have had a satisfying career or you would like to share with the world how much your mother, father, or a teacher inspired or supported you. And you think you might like to share those stories with the world. But then you wonder how to get started doing this thing called writing that you aren’t accustomed to doing. And here I am the writing Fairy-godmother to help you get started!

#1. Gather your thoughts on the benefits of sharing these stories.

Remember that there is only one you. Only one person who has experienced what you have experienced and you are the only person who can tell that story. History Chip values the stories of our lives because we value every person - not just the big important people on this planet. We value the life and story of each person. We know that the world will be a better place for valuing the experiences of each of us. Your stories of what it is like to be you fill in missing pieces of the mosaic of our worldview. Let’s say you are a plumber. That’s amazing! You know so much about pipes and construction and the inner workings of a building. Where would the world be without plumbers? Our pipes would break or be clogged and diseases might spread or our homes might get moldy from flooding. How could we build new buildings without plumbers? Why not let the world know what it is like to be a plumber? How long did it take you to learn to be a plumber? What is it like to do your job every day? Is each job a new challenge? Are you proud of your work? Do you enjoy your work? Why did you choose this line of work? Do you make enough money to live as you would like?

Let’s say you are a mom or a soldier or a teacher or a taxi driver, or a social worker or a nurse, or a musician. Each of these jobs has a huge impact on people every day. The stories of these jobs aren’t typically in history books but they tell us about the lifeblood of society. People doing these jobs keep society going and enrich our lives. These stories are welcomed and treasured on History Chip. So, consider how proud you will be to share your story. Consider how when you value your story enough to share it, you show others that their lives have value and that their stories are also worth sharing. When you share your story, you also leave a legacy for your children and their children.

#2. Make a mental list of stories you are interested in sharing

Now that you know why you want to share your stories, make a mental list of stories you might want to share. Of course, you can write down that list. The more stories you write, new stories will come to mind and you can add them to the list, so that first list may change over time and that’s great. It means you have lots to write about, and lots to share.

#3. Pick one story and sit down and write about it.

Don’t worry if you aren’t sure how to do it. If you can speak, you can write. You have been using words your whole life, telling stories your whole life. Use those same skills to put one of those stories on paper. You might try what lots of people do, write in journals as a daily writing habit. Daily writing habits provide us with lots of interesting stories to share on History Chip.

#4. Publish your first story on History Chip where that story will be a treasured piece of history.

Your story will tell the world what it is like to walk in your shoes. Now that you have published one story, the next story will be easier and with each successive story, you will feel more inspired to add more stories. Inspiration is the key to how to develop a writing habit.

#5. Find a writing buddy or group of people who also want to write and share their stories.

A great way to keep your story-writing habit for History Chip is to form a group from your community, your family, or friends. Meet every week or so to share new stories and add them to History Chip. Your local library would be a great place to meet with neighbors to share stories about life in your town.

Your stories are all in your head waiting for you to put them on paper. You don’t have to reveal personal details. You can write about life as you have seen it, as an observer. It’s important. It’s fun and will make you proud. Your kids will thank you for it. Your stories matter!

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